Title: The Vampire Voss
Author: Colleen Gleason
Date Read: July 2011
Number of Pages:
Why did you read it: I love the author
What was it about: Voss, also known as Viscount Dewhurst, relishes the sensual pleasures immortality affords. A member of the Dracule-a cabal of powerful, secretive noblemen marked with a talisman that reveals their bartered souls-the merecenary Voss has remained carefully neutral… until Angelica.
Angelica Woodmore possesses the Sight, an ability invaluable to both sides of a looming war among the Dracule. Her very scent envelops Voss in a scarlet fog of hunger-for her body and her blood. But he is utterly unprepared for the new desire that overcomes him-to protect her.
Now Voss must battle his very nature to be with Angelica… but this vampire never backs down from a fight.
Who was your favorite Character: Voss
How did you feel after reading it: Eager for the second in the trilogy. It was a great book and I read it in like a day! The idea is different then any other vampire book out there. The idea that the vampires aren't good and magical and instead they are the darker. Focused on just pleasure and gluttony until they find love and are changed. It was surprising that Angelica was so digusted by the idea of Voss feeding on her. It was refreshing. I really enjoyed the book.
Questions/Comments: Paranormal Romance
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